Digital Well Publisher

Make a Living Writing While Traveling the World

Ep7: How to Become a Health & Wellness Superstar with Sally Ekus

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The world is finally figuring out that food and wellness actually do have something to do with one another and the media is taking notice. If you ever wanted to know how you can leverage your food and wellness business through writing cookbooks and/or becoming a wellness personality, then you don’t want to miss this podcast episode.

Sally Ekus, Literary Agent at The Lisa Ekus Group, visited the Digital Well Publisher Podcast to give us a few of the secrets that helped to boost the careers of Toni Tipton-Martin, author of The Jemima Code, Kristina Bucaram of Fully Raw Kristina, and Jessica Cox, a Registered Dietician and Culinary Nutritionist at eMeals.

In today’s episode you will learn:

  • What is a literary agent?
  • How to get the attention of a literary agent?
  • How can media training help your health and wellness career?

You can find more information about Sally Ekus and The Lisa Ekus Group on their website.

Would you like to know more about how to publish a book? Then sign up for your Publish & Profits Toolkit at for practical publishing advice, podcast interviews from industry leaders, and support from other entrepreneurs like you.

Halona Black is an Author, Book Coach, and Publisher who works with wellness entrepreneurs who are ready to share their million dollar story and change lives in the process. You can find her at

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Halona Black

Nonfiction Ghostwriter | Editor | Content Strategist

Halona Black is a Ghostwriter, Editor, and Content Strategist. She ghostwrites books, articles, and thought leadership pieces for C-level executives, coaches, and keynote speakers.

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