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Are You Using Linkedin to Grow Your Business?

Copy of How Much Money Are You Making on that Unpublished Book-

When it comes to book and business marketing on social media, the landscape is changing everyday. Facebook continues to be a favorite amongst coaches, speakers, and experts who want to build their network and even buy ads to get people on to their list.

However Facebook can also a very crowded space. I belong to more FB groups than I care to actually participate in — and to be quite honest, most of the groups I do look at are more about self promotion than they are about support and networking. Twitter can feel like you are shouting into a deep hole. And of course, there are several new contenders in the livestreaming space like, Periscope, and Facebook Live.

But what about Linkedin? I am sure you have heard everyone talk about how Linkedin is such a great platform because it was built strictly for professional purposes. You may even have a Linkedin profile. But are you using Linkedin to its full capacity?

For example, did you know that you can publish your presentations, build your email list, as well as connect with meeting planners and other decision makers who book speakers on Linkedin? There is so much opportunity on Linkedin, however the average coach, speaker, or expert has no idea how to take advantage of it.

Now I’m on a quest to learn more about Linkedin and how you can use it to not just sell books, connect with professional organizations who are looking for speakers, and grow your business in every way you can imagine.


I need 500 coaches, speakers, authors, and experts to fill out this SUPER SHORT social media survey. Whether you use Linkedin or not, I want to hear from you. It will only take you 3 minutes to complete.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift certificate from Amazon. And yes, I will be sharing what I learn with you. The contest ends February 29th at 11:59pm PT.
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Halona Black

Nonfiction Ghostwriter | Editor | Content Strategist

Halona Black is a Ghostwriter, Editor, and Content Strategist. She ghostwrites books, articles, and thought leadership pieces for C-level executives, coaches, and keynote speakers.

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