Digital Well Publisher

Make a Living Writing While Traveling the World

#LISTEN: Allow me to RE-Introduce… The Digital Well Publisher Podcast

Halona Black Digital Well Publisher Podcast


One of the things that I have gotten into over the last year is podcasting. As a professional writer, I really have not aggressively gone after opportunities to speak. Yes, I used to be a teacher. However, honestly, my time in front of the classroom was limited. I was a teacher to adult students and preferred to go back and forth between leadership, administration, and classroom work. It gave me a nice way to mix up my work in a way that made sense for me.

As I have moved into owning my own business in the last few years, I have had my head down writing content for others. While I enjoy the work, I always felt like I had created more of a job for myself than a business. That was why I started teaching publishing to entrepreneurs. This presented an opportunity to create a business model that didn’t always depend upon me being a writing machine.

Starting this publishing boutique meant that I had to come from behind my computer and start showing my face a little bit more — something that was uncomfortable as hell at the beginning. Now I think I am settling in to it a bit more since I started podcasting a little over a year and a half ago.

I started podcasting as a way to force me to speak up a bit more. It’s easy for me to sit and write for hours. However I have to exercise a new muscle when speaking. It’s not that I can’t do it; it’s just that I want to be able to speak as easily as I can write. And that takes practice. Hence, the reason for starting the podcast.

I only produced about 10 or so episodes in the first year. I was so wrapped up in trying to make it perfect that I didn’t get to do as many episodes as I would have liked. I was also wrapped up in taking care of my hubby before and after the kidney transplant. But now that we are in a new space, I’d like to move forward with podcasting… because I enjoy it!

So here is the re-introduction of The Digital Well Publisher Podcast!

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Halona Black

Nonfiction Ghostwriter | Editor | Content Strategist

Halona Black is a Ghostwriter, Editor, and Content Strategist. She ghostwrites books, articles, and thought leadership pieces for C-level executives, coaches, and keynote speakers.

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